Purpose: Improved waste boiler efficiency through flue gas condensation
In November 2016, SEG A/S commissioned a 5G5NP absorption heat pump with a cooling capacity of 1MW. On the cooling side, cold water at around 23°C is supplied to the flue gas cooler. The heat absorbed by this cooling is delivered to the heat pump's condensers and absorber, heating the district heating water before the boiler. Driving energy is supplied from the waste boiler in the form of 112°C hot water.
The design of this type of Thermax heat pump is different from those delivered so far. The machine has become more compact with its square shapes. It is still a single effect driven generator, but the lower part evaporator is divided into two chambers called "twin design". The design allows the evaporators to have different temperature levels, cooling the water in two stages. This allows the highest concentration of brine from the hottest generator to better cool the output of the low temperature evaporator.
If you want to read more about the new design, you can find information here: