Hurup District Heating a.m.b.a

Project purpose and mode of operation: To improve the cooling of the flue gas from the plant's wood chip plant and thereby increase the plant's efficiency. Using the absorption chiller and associated scrubber system, the flue gas temperature has dropped from approx. 42° down to around 20 °C, corresponding to a cooling effect of 450 kW. The efficiency of the wood chip boiler has increased from around 110% to 117%. The absorption chiller's chilled water circuit is made ...

Hurup Fjernvarme a.m.b. a Read more "

Tarm Varmeværk a.m.b.a

Project purpose and mode of operation: To improve the cooling of the flue gas from the plant's wood chip plant and thereby increase the plant's efficiency. Using the absorption chiller and associated scrubber system, the flue gas temperature has dropped from approx. 50° down to around 20 °C, corresponding to a cooling effect of 1 MW. The efficiency of the wood chip boiler has increased from approx. 103% to 111%. The absorption chiller's chilled water circuit is made ...

Tarm Varmeværk a.m.b.a Read more "