2019 THISTED HEAT SUPPLY – 4.8 MW heat pump

4.8 MW heat pump SEG A/S has supplied, installed and commissioned 1 hot water driven absorption heat pump with a total cooling capacity of 4.8 MW. The fuel heat is supplied from straw boilers and waste incineration plants. The cooling side of the heat pump supplies cooling to the geothermal circuit, which supplies Thisted Varmeforsyning's customers with "free" heat extracted from a depth of 1200 meters below Thisted.

2019 Hammel District Heating

Flue gas condensation on 12 MW straw boiler Purpose: Improved efficiency on wood chip boiler In 2020, Hammel district heating has been supplied with a complete flue gas condensation plant, where SEG has been responsible for the design, delivery and commissioning of the following equipment: In addition to cooling on flue gas with a Thermax heat pump, a compressor heat pump is also connected, which cools the flue gas further down to around 15 degrees.

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Thisted District Heating

Flue gas condensation on straw Purpose: Improved efficiency on straw boiler Thisted has in 2019 received a scrubber solution from SEG A/S. For this project, SEG A/S has delivered an absorption heat pump. The cooling side of the heat pump delivers cold water to the flue gas scrubber, which reduces the chimney temperature to around 25°C, thereby recovering most of the energy in the flue gases. The driving energy is 115°C hot water from the wood chip boiler. ...

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